Our Fertility Journey

August 2005- Alisa and Bill got hitched in Harbor Springs, Michigan

2006 – 2007- Tried to conceive naturally for 6 months.

2008- Alisa took a job which required extensive traveling and baby dreams were put on hold.

2009- New job put us back in the saddle again but Alisa was diagnosed with fluid filled tubes that were removed by year end.

2010- IVF number one resulted in a chemical pregnancy. Frozen Embryo Transfer number one failed.

2011- IVF number two failed. Frozen embryo transfer number two was a success!

2012- Evie was born January 6, 2012. 6 pounds 3 oz, 19 inches long. Our perfect miracle.

2013- IVF number 3 failed. Frozen embryo transfer number 6 resulted in a miscarriage at 8 weeks.

2014- IVF number 4, transfers 7 and 8 failed. IVF number 5 ended in a chemical pregnancy.

2015- IVF number 6, 7, and 8. Banking embryos and CCS testing with New Jersey clinic. May transfer of two embryos was successful. TWINS!!

2016- January 19, 2016. Maxwell William,  6 pounds 4 oz and 20 inches. Wesleigh Winslow 6 pounds 7 oz and 21 inches.

Our family is complete but we have two remaining little boy embryos we are seeking to give to a Christian couple in an open adoption. God has richly blessed us and we will honor him by giving these babies a chance.

Alisa is now writing under a new blog and would love it if you would follow her there as she spends a year dedicating her time to better glorifying God.

One thought on “Our Fertility Journey

  1. Thank you so much for your blog regarding your IVF process. I had a good laugh today because of you and I really appreciated it! It a journey going through all the highs and lows of this fertility process and sometimes reading someone else’s story makes us realize we are not crazy and understand feelings we have not yet identified. Thanks again!

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