Pomegranate Girls


Did you come here hoping to read Waiting- Part 2? If so I am afraid that I am going to keep you, yep…you guessed it…waiting. We had a spectacular and impromptu family night at our local bowling alley and just put Spork to bed an hour past her 8 PM bedtime.

While we are on the topic of waiting, I want to share with my fellow sufferers and supporters of infertility an interesting item I am anxiously waiting to be delivered this week.

As you know from Orange Panties and Green Toes, I am all about finding unique ways to add a little luck to our cycles. This week I stumbled upon my latest good luck charm and I beside myself with anticipation of its arrival.

Its the stunning silk bracelet that you see pictured above. The charm is a pomegranate with the Chinese symbol for strength in the middle. Pomegranates have long been associated with fertility and prosperity for the many seeds they contain. Strength is necessary to persevere in the battle against infertility. It’s the perfect jewelry to adorn this IVF gal’s wrist as I prepare for transfer, don’t you think?

What I love most is that its classy. Don’t get me wrong, bright colored rubber bracelets are awesome and its great if you wear them, but they have never been for me. This bracelet proudly makes a statement while also being gorgeous. I like that the style is so discrete. It doesn’t shout “hey, look at me and the cause I support!”

I found the charm on my clinic’s Facebook page where they were promoting it for a past client. This client began the non-profit company selling it with another past sufferer of infertility. All proceeds go to fertility research and to helping women get treatment who cannot otherwise afford care. This immediately spoke to me. Bill and I have been paying for treatment for so long that I often joke that when we are done we should sponsor another couple who needs it.

As stressful as infertility treatment is and as much as I bellyache about it, I realize that for some it is an impossible dream due to the high costs of cycles. It breaks my heart that some couples cannot afford treatment. It should not be that way and it is a cause will take up through this blog and other efforts.

Well done, Pomegranate girls. Thank you for helping me give a little now and inspiring me to do much more later when the battle for my family is behind me.

There are more bracelets to choose from and also necklaces in the same style. Check out the selection and learn more about the company today at http://www.pomegranategirls.com.